Federal Development School



In a changing global economic context, characterized by the acceleration of the dynamics of techno-productive transformation and the reconfiguration of geopolitical balances, Argentina is faced with the challenge of outlining the central bases of a federal, inclusive and sustainable development strategy.

One of the necessary elements to face this challenge is to strengthen the professional training of the leadership and management staff involved in the processes of formulating diagnoses, selecting instruments and evaluating the impacts of public policies linked to the sphere of productive development. federal.

The course proposes a rigorous and plural approach to the key dimensions that make up the design and management of social and productive development policies in Argentine provinces.

The objective is to contribute from the CFI to the training of the technical and political human resources of the provinces with a comprehensive view of development processes and Argentina's place in the world and, at the same time, with specific knowledge of the regional reality.

To create a professional specialization profile oriented to the design, administration and management of socio-productive policies from a provincial perspective.
To Prioritize the administration of provincial public policies and to promote commitment to management.

Young people with a vocation to occupy decision-making spaces in the field of administration of provincial governments or other relevant decision-making spaces. It is a requirement to have taken and successfully completed any of the editions of the Federal Training Program "Management for Development.

In-person with intensive courses from Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the CFI Headquarters (San Martín 871, CABA).

    Study seminars: weekly spaces for consultation, debate and group work that promote exchange between participants.
  • Subjects: each subject is coordinated by a teacher and includes the participation of guest speakers with extensive experience in the political and productive field.
  • Study seminars: weekly spaces for consultation, debate and group work that promote exchange between participants.
  • Training trips which promote direct contact with the productive environment and bring participants closer to the way in which public policy is designed and executed in the Argentine provinces.

Argentine macroeconomics / Comparative economic development / Argentine productive structure / Energy, mining and water resources / Infrastructure and logistics / Management of productive policies and local development / Innovation and technological extensionism / Communication workshop / Study and project preparation seminar / Topics of Argentine federalism

To maintain regularity and pass the program, it is a requirement to meet 75% attendance in the different scheduled subjects and activities and to pass all the evaluation instances contemplated in each of the subjects of the curriculum.

In addition, participants must submit an original final evaluation work linked to the contents of the program.

Las clases comienzan el lunes 19 de agosto.

Hasta el jueves 13 de junio está abierta la inscripción. Para inscribirte, completá el formulario haciendo clic acá.

Descargá la información del Programa de Especialización en Desarrollo y Políticas Públicas CFI - Tercera edición