

Fourteen provinces participated at the third edition of Management for Development

With more than 430 participants, a new edition of the CFI Federal Training Program has come to an end. Young people from Buenos Aires, Chaco, Chubut, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, San Juan, Santiago del Estero and Tierra del Fuego attended the third edition of the program focused on strengthening a federal network of leaders throughout Argentina.

The program has four modules: masterclasses, provincial panels, integration sessions and project design workshops. The workshops and masterclasses are held virtually with participants from all provinces, providing a space for engagement between keynote speakers and young people from different regions of our country.

Meanwhile, sessions and panels are held in person in different locations of the provinces where each provincial group made up of 30 people gathers. At these meetings, young people have the opportunity to come into contact with provincial and municipal officials, specialists in various topics and executives and workers of companies and organizations that are committed to innovation and development. The goal is to share experiences and learn more about the lessons and discussions of the virtual meetings.

The closure of this third edition took place in December in Buenos Aires, where the attendees presented their projects prepared during the workshops and visited companies and institutions related to the social, productive, industrial and technological development of the country.

During the opening day on Monday, December 5, young people attended a panel of governors at the Kirchner Cultural Center made up by the governor of the province of Entre Ríos, Gustavo Bordet, the governor of the province of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, and the governor of the province of San Juan, Sergio Uñac, together with Ignacio Lamothe, General Secretary of the CFI.

In the afternoon, they attended a conversation by the Minister of Interior, Wado de Pedro, and Ignacio Lamothe, moderated by the head of the CFI's communication department, Andrea Mallimaci.

During the second day, they toured the Atucha Nuclear Complex, the water and sanitation (AySA) plant and the Port of Buenos Aires. They also spoke with professionals from one of the largest naval shipyards in South America, Tandanor, and innovative companies from Grupo Insud.

On the last day they participated in the Ideathon Project, where they had the opportunity to present the work they developed during the year before a jury of specialists who selected 3 winning teams: Bio-Bana (Province of Jujuy), which proposes the creation of biodegradable products from fruit and vegetable waste, mainly bananas.

5th Network (Province of Buenos Aires), a system to access public transport information in the towns of the 5th section of the Province of Buenos Aires. Kaha Chez (Province of San Juan), a project that aims to purify water and improve water management in the community of Huarpe Salvador Talquenca, given that it’s a basic commodity for the quality of life of its inhabitants.

During the Ideathon they also had an interview with the CEO of Syngenta, Antonio Aracre, and a talk with the General Secretary of the CFI, Ignacio Lamothe.