

Green hydrogen in the Province of Tierra del Fuego

With the technical assistance of the CFI, the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands is making headway in an energy transition project. 
Argentina has the largest wind reserve on the planet in Patagonia, one of the main drivers that will lead the production of green hydrogen on a global scale in the coming years.

Hydrogen production has been around for a long time. But producing “green” hydrogen means doing it without polluting, without carbon emissions into the atmosphere, the main source of global warming. In this context of necessary transformation of the energy matrix, Tierra del Fuego has decided to commit to its natural resources. It has wind resources as well as its maritime coast, which is essential because water is needed for obtaining hydrogen.

This prompted a feasibility study on the possibilities of hydrogen that analyzed all relevant factors: winds, topography, availability of (sea) water and the existing infrastructure. The analysis focused on the costs involved in the production chain of green and blue hydrogen and byproducts, in terms of competitiveness and logistics. The study concluded that the most promising alternative is one of the byproducts obtained from green hydrogen: ‘green ammonia’, i.e., the production of hydrogen from clean energy and its local conversion into ammonia, a fertilizer with multiple uses in food production that is in strong demand worldwide.